Wednesday 1 June 2016

Well, Because I Love Design

This post will be unusually brief for a blog post, but hey size doesn’t matter right? (Right…?)
These past two weeks of the past month of May have been quite busy with the constant fury of deadlines and general adulting. I had a rare chance this Sunday evening to truly have an opportunity to be with my Self and really breathe deep both literally and figuratively. In the midst of this, one question presented itself, “Why do you do this?”. No specifics, just that one simple phrase.

Now, it wasn’t born from a place of exhaustion or regret nor was there some internal dialogue that ensued, but I exhaled an answer equally as simple, but personally very profound: “Well… Because I love design and (enter expletive here).”

In a society driven by capitalistic agendas driven purely by the profit incentive, I got personal satisfaction knowing that that was the response that came naturally.
We do it for the love!

*queue corny music here, and you (dear reader) may now roll your eyes*